Farmer & the Dell

Solving complex problems with code written on a very old computer.

My First Gem: TripadCLIsor

As the culmination of my study of Object-Oriented Ruby, I decided to build a web scraper for TripAdvisor. I choose TripAdvisor primarily because it contains a wealth of information in a variety of levels. Each destination has numerous hotels, each hotel has numerous prices, etc. Since the primary goal of the project was to implement an object-oriented structure, it seemed like fertile ground for the process. I also wanted to create something that would be helpful to me and my wife as we plan our families vacations. TripAdvisor is a staple for our trip-planning process, once we know where we’re going. However, I always need some inspiration when I am looking for a place to go. TripadCLIsor takes the aspects of TripAdvisor that help you explore potential destinations and brings them into an easily searchable CLI.

Stop Me If You've Heard This One:

A music major begins teaching high school physics, starts a computer programming club for students, and then learns web development.